NSP Scholarship Payment 2023-24 | RTI Reply NSP Payment 2024

Hello Everyone today this article I will discuss about many students waiting for NSP Scholarship payment 2023-24 session. Today i will cover all topics regarding nsp scholarship payment latest news there are some update regarding nsp payment 2023-24. Some students got a payment 3 month ago which scheme like ka department off higher education department of school education literacy and NSP state scheme so most of students got a payment many students waiting for merit list payment but but application have yet not process. This article i will show the RTI Reply what are the reason behind for deley NSP Scholarship Payment 2023-24 | RTI Reply NSP Payment 2024. Read complete article.

NSP scholarship payment 2023 24 showing this post RTI reply regarding payments whatever ministry have replied in RTI regarding NSP scholarship payment you please see the screenshot.
I have asked 3 question on the RTI file on 4th May

  1. when will NSP scholarship payment come 2023 24
  2. when will release the NSP scholarship merit list 202324
  3. when will open new academy year form 2024

I had asked this three questions for ministry regarding RTI file but ministry replied first question it is the hypothetical question and second and third question it is not available information for present you please check out the NSP scholarship website and their any updates to roll out the NSP official site.
I have attach the screenshot regarding RTI Reply.

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NSP Scholarship Fresh Payment 2023-24 : Process

NSP scholarship fresh payment 2023-24 there are 6 steps to verification process a fresh scholarship payment all every scheme does not matter you have applied big or small scheme the procedure are same to follow every schemes regarding NSP scholarship payment. I have discussed all 6 to 7 steps to verification process you please follow the process and check on it your application which stage

  1. first you have to registration your form NSP portal
  2. second you have to fill your form and submit your application hard copy on your institution and college school University
  3. your form have verified first level verification institute verification or school verification if you are institute have verified the biometric authentication then your form have easily verified you are respect it institution
  4. if your form have not verified the institute and they mark as a defective verification or rejecting verification then you have to solve your application whatever you have mistake you find on your application and solve it
  5. after your institute your form have verified then you are application will go to district state nodal officer some case your form have verified to ministry level verification depend on your scheme.
  6. your Aadhaar verification have to check if your Aadhar Card active or not real or not
  7. then your form will go to duplication check your form will apply single scheme or multiple schemes and NSP will check this process and you have applied multiple scheme then your form will reject in your future
    8 . after the verification process 7 stage completed then you are merit list will prepare and progress the ministry level your percentage your date of birth your family income and such like a factor depending on merit list preparation
  8. after your merit list released then showing your name in your list then you are shortlisted for scholarship the 70% chances for receive your money on your bank account but 30% you have to check some steps
  9. Ezoic
  10. your bank account will be link to dbt status if you are Aadhar card will not link your bank account then you will not receive any money
  11. you are bank account all KYC should be complete and not affect the transaction limit or credit limit
  12. then your form verification for pfms portal beneficiary variation or procedure you have correct then your form easily verification by pfms ministry https://resident.uidai.gov.in/bank-mapper
  13. then you are status will show pfms portal this links will help you you have to check your status on pfms what status showing on pfms portal like first stage showing pending for sanction generation under ministry 2nd stage showing underpassing with ministry 3rd showing some slide to payment by bank and and under processing with bank for payment
    there are some steps to check your form which stage you are from have verified if your form have verified this steps then your form have complete then definitely you will get scholarship money 2023-24 https://pfms.nic.in/static/NewLayoutCommonContent.aspx?RequestPagename=static/TrackNSPpayments.aspx

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