NSP Scholarship OTR Registration 2024-25 Apply | Easy Steps | NSP Scholarship 2024-25 Face Authentication

The National Scholarship Portal (NSP) has implemented a new One-Time Registration (OTR) process for the 2024-25 academic year. This process aims to streamline scholarship applications and ensure transparency. Here’s a breakdown of OTR registration and face authentication:

What is OTR Registration?

OTR registration is a one-time process for students applying for scholarships on the NSP. It involves linking your Aadhaar card with your scholarship application. This simplifies future applications by eliminating the need to re-enter details.

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Who Needs to Register for OTR?

  • Students applying for an NSP scholarship for the first time (2024-25 onwards).
  • Students who haven’t completed face authentication in the previous academic year (2023-24).

How to Register for OTR?

Official sources haven’t confirmed the application window yet, but here’s the general process (refer to official sources for confirmation):

  1. NSP Scholarship Portal: Visit the official NSP scholarship portal (likely https://scholarships.gov.in/).
  2. Registration: Look for the “New User Registration” or “OTR Registration” link.
  3. Fill Details: Enter your required details, including your Aadhaar number.
  4. Verification: You’ll likely receive a One-Time Password (OTP) on your Aadhaar linked mobile number for verification.
  5. Complete Registration: After successful verification, your OTR registration will be complete.

Face Authentication

  • Students who completed face authentication in 2023-24 will receive a one-time registration (OTR) number via SMS. They can directly use this OTR number to apply for scholarships.
  • Students who haven’t done face authentication previously will need to complete it during the OTR registration process. This typically involves using the UIDAI Aadhaar FaceRD app for facial recognition.

Important Resources (subject to change):

  • NSP Scholarship Portal: https://scholarships.gov.in/ (likely)
  • NSP Scholarship OTR Information (refer to official sources for confirmation on availability): Look for notifications or help sections on the NSP portal.

Here are some additional points to remember:

  • Keep your Aadhaar card and mobile number linked for smooth registration.
  • Ensure good internet connectivity for online registration and face authentication (if applicable).
  • Refer to the official NSP website for the latest updates and confirm the application window before applying.

By following these steps and staying updated with the official NSP portal, you can ensure a smooth OTR registration and scholarship application process.

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