Ten thousand (10000) National Scholarships or as may be decided by the Commission, at the rate of Rs.15,000/- per month for 10 months in a year, are available for Indian students for two years to pursue higher studies, within India, leading to award of Postgraduate Degree under the scheme ‘National Scholarshipfor Post Graduate Studies’.
The slots shall be allocated as per Govt. of India reservation policy.However 30% slots will be reserved for the women candidates.
Note: The slots reserved for women students, will be filled first by ‘Single/twin/fraternalGirlChild’, withoutconsideringtheir marksinUGexamination. The remaining slots will be filled up by merit.
The selection under the schemes is done purely on all- India merit basis (except those mentioned in the ‘Note’ above) from among the candidates who have applied for the scholarship under the scheme, through online mode only on the designated portal, i.e., National Scholarship Portal of Government of India.
The scholarship is open to those students who have acquired a recognized Undergraduate Degree from an Institution which is recognized under Section 2(f) or Section 3 of UGC Act, 1956 or is authorized to award specified degrees as per section 22(1) of the UGC Act.
- The scholarship is available to the students for the first PG Degree programme only. Students, who have already acquired any postgraduate degree, are not eligible to apply.
- Only the students, who are already admitted in the first year of PG degree programme in an eligible university/college/institution, (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Institution’), are eligible to apply.
- In case of integrated programmes, the scholarship shall be given for PG component only.
- Only students who are below the age of 30 years of age as on the date of admission in the first semester/year of a PG programme are eligible to apply under these schemes.
- The scholarship is available only for students who are admitted to PG degree programmethrough‘Regular/FullTime’mode.Thestudents,whoarepursuingany
PG programme through open/distance/correspondence mode, private or part-time mode, are not eligible to apply.
- The scholarship is available only for students who are pursuing recognized PG degree programmes leading to specified PG degrees notified by UGC from time to time i.e. the nomenclature and duration of course should be as per UGCNotification on Specification of Degrees, 2014, as amended from time to time.
- TYPES OF INSTITUTION: The scholarships under these schemes shall be available for pursuing PG degree programme in the following types of institutions only:
- Universities/Colleges/InstitutionsincludedunderSection2(f)ofUGCAct, 1956 and having valid accreditation from NAAC.
- Deemed to be Universities under Section 3 of the UGC Act 1956 and havingvalid accreditation from NAAC.
- Institutions fully funded by Central or State Governments and empowered to award Degrees.
- InstitutionsofNational
Note:It is mandatory for the University/College/Institute to have a valid AISHE code for accessing the National Scholarship Portal (NSP).The institution with AISHE code can get themselves registered/re-registered on NSP portal through District/State nodal officers for NSP.