NSP 2024 Guidelines For Registration On National Scholarship Portal

General Instruction/ Guidelines
  1. Candidates must read the instruction carefully before registration.
  2. Candidates are advised to fill all the requisite details carefully and check properly before submission. As no correction/ editing is allowed after submission.
  3. Any wrong/ false information may lead to rejection.
  4. Candidates are advised to fill their correct and active mobile number and e-mail address in the online application. All Correspondence/ communication will be made through mobile/ e-mail only.
  5. Candidates are also advised to refer to National Scholarship Portal for regular updates.Aadhaar will be mandatory for registration on NSP
    1. Aadhaar of parent/legal guardian will be mandatorily required.
  6. For applications with EID, Scholarship to be disbursed only on furnishing of Aadhaar.
  7. Aadhaar based eKYC will be performed to verify credential of candidates.
  8. All scholarship payments will be made using Aadhaar Payment Bridge (APB) only.
  9. Candidates requested to ensure that demographic details in Aadhaar shall be same as in school/ institute records. If any difference found, same should be corrected in Aadhaar.
  10. Registration made through parents’ Aadhaar will be valid only till student is minor, once candidate turns to major it will be his/her responsibility to update Aadhaar on NSP.
  11. Candidates are advised to ensure that his/her mobile number is linked to Aadhaar for receiving OTP from UIDAI. To check the mobile linking status please visit https://myaadhaar.uidai.gov.in/verify-email-mobile .
  12. Candidates are advised to ensure that bank account must be seeded with Aadhaar. To check the seeding status kindly visit https://resident.uidai.gov.in/bank-mapper.
  13. Candidates are advised to activate and update their DigiLocker account for automated verification.
Other Instructions/Guidelines
  1. State of Domicile: Domicile state means the state in which students have their permanent address. Students are required to provide their domicile state correctly as their applications may be sent for verification to the Authorities belonging to their State of Domicile.
  2. Scholarship Category: A Scholarship scheme may either be a Pre-matric scheme for Post-matric scheme. Any scholarship scheme available to student upto class X is called Pre-matric scheme whereas remaining schemes fall under the category of Post-matric schemes.

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